DSSR 2024

Data Science & Social Research

4th international conference

Naples (Italy) on 25th-27th March 2024

Organised by
 Department of Social Sciences (DISS) and
Department of Economics and Statistics (DISES)

University of Naples Federico II


To all Participants who attended the 4th International Conference on Data Science and Social Research (DSSR 2024) and who paid the registration fee of the conference.

Dear Participants,
we are pleased to inform you that the Scientific Journals:

1) Social Indicators Research
2) Fuori Luogo - Journal of Sociology of Territory, Tourism, Technology
3) Springer Volume for the collection of contributions

are offering the opportunity to submit for publication papers presented at the DSSR 2024 - 4th International Conference on Data Science and Social Research in Naples.

Details are given below:

1) Social Indicators Research:
On the following webpage: https://link.springer.com/journal/11205
You will discover guidelines on how to submit the paper, which must be sent by October 30, 2024. You will need to indicate the special issue "S.I.: Data Science & Quality of Life" in the "Additional information" box.
Download this PDF document containing instructions for Authors. 
"Springer Volume -  Instruction for Authors.pdf"

2) Fuori Luogo - Journal of Sociology of Territory, Tourism, Technology:
Publication of the special issue has been scheduled for the first quarter of 2026. Updates will follow (https://www.serena.unina.it/index.php/fuoriluogo/index).

3) Springer Volume for the collection of contributions:
Attached you will find instructions on how to proceed with the submission to the Springer Volume for contributions - https://equinocs.springernature.com/service/dssr2024, which can be done by October 30, 2024.

Those interested in these initiatives can participate by obviously involving their co-authors.

The book of Abstracts is available.

Click Here to download it.





You Tube


Presentation of the conference:

Data Science represents an interdisciplinary approach, designed to address the emerging challenges presented by the Information Society. It is mainly based on Statistics and Computational Sciences methods and algorithms, suitably supplemented by the Knowledge of a specific domain such Sociology, Health-care, Business, Ecology... . Data Sciences employs and/or develops suitable methodologies and algorithms for the objectives of new knowledge discovery, making predictions also for, futures scenarios and decision-making in an increasingly complex landscape. This complexity often stems from the presence of large volumes of diverse data types (numeric, ordinal, nominal, symbolic data, texts, images, sounds, data streams, multi-way data, social networks, knowledge graphs, etc.) originating from various sources (surveys, official data, open data, social media, data based on expert’s opinions and evaluations, sensor's device, transactions, production processes,  experiments, simulations, etc).

The aim of the conference is to depict the challenges and the opportunities that the “data revolution” poses to social research, by statistics and computational sciences in the framework of data science. The availability of new data offers to social research great opportunities to enhance knowledge - and face the new challenges about the future - on some key research areas (i.e. sustainable development, social inequalities, public health, communication and future studies).

The objective of the conference is to take stock of the state of the art and look at the future of what we could define as Social Data Science.
From this perspective, this conference encourages the methodological and algorithmic contributions of the disciplines underlying Social Data Science, without neglecting the role that integration with appropriately codified domain knowledge can have in the insights and future developments of social research. The conference will pay particular attention to applications in key areas of social research without neglecting the problems connected to the new data from a qualitative and quantitative point of view and to the respective sources. Finally, it is important to consider aspects related to ethical issues as well as the training of new professional figures for Social Data Science. The DS&RS Conference 2024 is therefore a unique opportunity for social data scientists, classical social scientists, and researchers, as well as professionals and public decision-makers, to meet and discuss.

Methodological and Algorithmic Issues in Social Data Science:

The conference is focused on, but not restricted to the following aspects:
• Methodological and Algorithmic Issues in Social Data Science
• Big data issues
• Data Sciences libraires
• Data Security
• Decision Support Systems
• Delphi-methodologies
• Empiricism and Knowledge
• Ensemble methods
• Features of data quality
• Knowledge-based methods and algorithms
• Knowledge coding and graphs
• Machine and Deep Learning
• Multivariate analysis
• Pattern recognition
• Resampling techniques
• Social data sources integration
• Sentiment analysis
• Social simulation models
• Structural Equation Modeling
• Symbolic data analysis
• Textual data analysis
• Technical solutions for ethical issues in Data Science and AI 

Social Data Science applications areas:

• Birth rate declining and population aging
• Communication
• Customer Journey
• Data Journalism
• Digital Humanities
• Education in social data science 
• E-Politics
• Ethical aspects of Data Science and AI
• Future studies
• Game Studies
• Healthcare 4.0
• Open data for the social science
• Quality of life
• Smart cities
• Social inequalities
• Social networks
• Social Science archives
• Social Science ontologies
• Sustainability studies


The proceedings of the conference will be published in the book “Data Science and Social Research – IV. Methods Technologies and Applications” - "Springer Series Studies on classification, data analysis and knowledge organization".
Furthermore a selection of papers presented at the conference will be hosted in special issues of the following indexed journals "Social Indicators Research", "Statistica Applicata -
Italian Journal of Applied Statistics", "Electronic Journal of Applied Statistics" and
“Fuori Luogo. Journal of Sociology of theTerritory, Tourism, Technology”. 

Previous editions

3th edition, DSSR December 2020 - Bari (University of Bari Aldo Moro),  for the conference book of Abstracts, click here.
2nd edition, DSSR February 2019 - Milano (Bicocca; IULM), for the conference book of Abstracts, click here.
1st edition, DSSR February 2016 - Napoli (University of Naples Federico II),  for the conference book of Abstracts, click here.

Our Address

Centro Congressi Federico II
Via Partenope, 36, 80121 Napoli NA

Contact Info
